Opiate Addiction Treatment
Suboxone Zubsolv
Sublocade & Brixadi Injection
Telemedicine Options
Dr Smith Board Certified Addiction Medicine
Central Ohio Locations:
Marion & Reynoldsburg
Same day appointments by our physician who understands the need for friendly one-on-one visits, and consistent counseling with the same counselor. Suboxone, Subutex, Zubsolv, Sublocade, Brixadi Injection offered. Pet therapy. Join our program today.
Welcome to MATRx Ohio
Blanche is our therapy dog. She is our pride and joy for our patients and staff and lifts everyone’s spirits. No better way than man’s best friend. Everyone looks forward to seeing her during their visit.
Our Services
Suboxone Therapy
Patients sit down with a physician one-on-one to discuss their history, current status, and future goals. A treatment plan is formulated and patients are prescribed medication which is sent electronically to the pharmacy.
Drug Screen
Each visit, patients are required to provide a urine sample to identify what substances are in their bodies. This is in order to monitor that patients are not consuming substances harmful to their recovery, and that patients are taking their Suboxone medication as directed.
Group counseling sessions are included in the office visit cost and are lead by a licensed chemical dependency counselor. Patients may participate in 1 on 1 counseling sessions weekly as well.
Review with Dr. Anthony Smith
I’ve seen Suboxone® be very effective in preventing withdrawal symptoms so patients can function and focus on recovery. Like a person with diabetes takes a medication to manage their diabetes, our patients take a medication to manage their addiction. Dr Smith has been operating this opiate addiction program since 2016. We develop relationships with all our patients. Our team of staff and care-providers treat all patients warmly and with confidentiality at our facilities. Separating us from many others, we are state board of pharmacy approved with a terminal distributors license.